生物信息与R语言QQ群: 187923577
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1. 比较干净的背景: +theme_bw(); 最干净的背景: +theme_classic()
2. 参数的解释: 生物慕课网
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############################# library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) #示例数据:某基因在对照和肿瘤样本中的表达量。 d1=data.frame( control=c(10,20,30,40,30,60,20,40,20,20,10,20,30,40,30,40,20,40,20,20), tumor=c(50,70,40,60,80,90,40,50,70,80,50,70,40,60,80,90,40,50,70,80) ); # 数据框重塑,数据合并为一列,添加分类列 d2=melt(d1, variable.name="type",#新变量的名字 value.name="value" #值得名字 ); d2 ######## 开始画图1 箱线图 + 散点图 done ggplot(d2,aes(factor(type), value))+ geom_boxplot()+ geom_jitter() ######## 开始画图2 带误差bar的柱状图 + 散点图 done #http://www.cookbook-r.com/Manipulating_data/Summarizing_data/ ## Summarizes data. ## Gives count, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and confidence interval (default 95%). ## data: a data frame. ## measurevar: the name of a column that contains the variable to be summariezed ## groupvars: a vector containing names of columns that contain grouping variables ## na.rm: a boolean that indicates whether to ignore NA's ## conf.interval: the percent range of the confidence interval (default is 95%) summarySE = function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, conf.interval=.95, .drop=TRUE) { library(plyr) # New version of length which can handle NA's: if na.rm==T, don't count them length2 = function (x, na.rm=FALSE) { if (na.rm) sum(!is.na(x)) else length(x) } # This does the summary. For each group's data frame, return a vector with # N, mean, and sd datac = ddply(data, groupvars, .drop=.drop, .fun = function(xx, col) { c(N = length2(xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm), mean = mean (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm), sd = sd (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm) ) }, measurevar ) # Rename the "mean" column datac = rename(datac, c("mean" = measurevar)) datac$se = datac$sd / sqrt(datac$N) # Calculate standard error of the mean # Confidence interval multiplier for standard error # Calculate t-statistic for confidence interval: # e.g., if conf.interval is .95, use .975 (above/below), and use df=N-1 ciMult = qt(conf.interval/2 + .5, datac$N-1) datac$ci = datac$se * ciMult return(datac) } # http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Plotting_means_and_error_bars_(ggplot2)/ d3 = summarySE(d2, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("type")) d3 ggplot(d3, aes(x=type, y=value)) + geom_bar(aes(fill=type),position=position_dodge(), stat="identity", width=0.5) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-ci, ymax=value+ci), width=.2, # Width of the error bars position=position_dodge(.9))+ geom_jitter(data=d2,aes(type,value), width=0.15) + ylab( expression(paste( italic("Sox2")," Expression(normalization)") ) ) #ylab("Sox2 Expression\n(normalization)")
# V2.0 去掉图中文字的red/green glow #怎么处理线性拟合r和p值 #1.1造数据 #x=data.frame( # a=c(1,2,3,4,5), # b=c(1,2,4,5,6) #) #1.2 抽样生成数据 library(dplyr) set.seed(1) sdata=sample_n(mtcars,100,replace=T) x=data.frame( a=sdata$mpg, b=sdata$disp, clazz=sdata$gear #分类变量 ) #方法1:用包计算r和p #library(Hmisc) #rs=rcorr(x$a,x$b, type="pearson") #rs;str(rs) #r=rs$r[2];r #[1] -0.8427099 #p=rs$P[2];p #[1] 0 #r0=round(r,2);r0 #[1] -0.84 # #方法2:基础统计命令,计算r和p #cor(x$a,x$b) #[1] -0.8427099 ts=cor.test(x$a,x$b); ts str(ts) p=ts$p.value;p #[1] 4.202888e-28 r=ts$estimate[['cor']];r#[1] -0.8427099 r0=round(r,2);r0 # 保留两位有效数字 #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39623636/forcing-r-output-to-be-scientific-notation-with-at-most-two-decimals p0=formatC(p, format = "e", digits = 2) p0 #可视化结果 #plot(x$a,x$b) library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) g=ggplot(data=x,aes(a,b))+ geom_smooth(method='lm', se=F)+ #se=F不要置信区间的阴影 geom_text(data=data.frame(), aes(x=16,y=15,label=paste0("r = ",r0,"\n p = ",p0)))+ theme_cowplot() + #除掉主题背景阴影 xlab( expression(paste( italic("CD8A")," expression") ) )+ ylab( expression(paste( italic("ITGAE")," expression") ) ) g+geom_point() #一般图 g+geom_point(aes(color=factor(clazz)))+ #使用分类变量后 scale_color_discrete("type")
#目的: 给出数据矩阵,计算gene1和其余gene的相关系数,并画cor的heatmap。 # v0.1 #pheatmap 帮助文档 https://www.jianshu.com/p/1c55ea64ff3f source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") #biocLite("WGCNA") #biocLite("ggplot2") #biocLite("dplyr") #biocLite("Seurat") #biocLite("monocle") setwd("C:\\Users\\DELL\\Desktop") ################ #read file H msiH=read.csv("MSI-h.csv",row.names = 1) msiH[1:3,1:3] dim(msiH) #[1] 45 135 ################ #read file msiM=read.csv("MSIL-MSS.csv",row.names = 1) msiM[1:3,1:3] dim(msiM) #[1] 199 135 #check 重复项 genelist=colnames(msiM);genelist ################# #defin function getCorDF=function(msi){ #cor.test ido1=msi$IDO1 df=NULL for(i in 3:ncol(msi)){ data2=msi[,i] symbol=colnames(msi)[i] rs=cor.test(ido1, data2) p=rs$p.value correlation=as.numeric(rs$estimate) tmp_df=data.frame( symbol=symbol, p=p, correlation=correlation ) # df=rbind(df, tmp_df) } return(df) } df.h=getCorDF(msiH) dim(df.h) #[1] 133 2 head(df.h) row.names(df.h)=df.h$symbol #df.h=df.h[,-1] df.m=getCorDF(msiM) dim(df.m) #[1] 133 2 row.names(df.m)=df.m$symbol #df.m=df.m[,-1] head(df.m) cDF=data.frame( symbol=row.names(df.m), "MSI_H"=df.h$correlation, "NON_MSI_H"=df.m$correlation, row.names = 1 ) head(cDF) dim(cDF) #[1] 133 2 ######################## #heatmap ######################## library(pheatmap) # 构建列 注释信息 type=read.csv("type.csv") head(type) dim(type) #[1] 133 2 annotation_col = data.frame( #CellType = factor(rep(c("CT1", "CT2","CT3", "CT4","CT5"), 27)) type=type$type ) rownames(annotation_col) = rownames(cDF) #type$sample # paste("Test", 1:10, sep = "") head(annotation_col) # # 自定注释信息的颜色列表 ann_colors = list( #Time = c("white", "firebrick"), type = c("Act CD4" = "#FF81F2", "Act CD8" = "#00B9FF","HLA" = "#39B54A", "immune checkpoint" = "#FF0000","Tem CD4" = "#FF8B99","Tem CD8" = "#0000FF", "Treg" = "#FF8000") ) head(ann_colors) # pheatmap library(Cairo) CairoPDF("sunjiaxin_10_col.pdf",width=25,height=3) pheatmap(t(cDF), cluster_rows=F,#是否聚类 row cluster_cols=T, #是否聚类 列 #display_numbers = TRUE,number_color = "blue", #标上p值 annotation_col = annotation_col, #列 注释 annotation_colors = ann_colors, angle_col=90,fontsize=10, #角度,字号 border=FALSE #没有边框 ) dev.off()
# V2.0 修改背景颜色为白色 #http://agetouch.blog.163.com/blog/static/22853509020161194123526/ # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE1323 # Using ggplot2 for volcano plots 使用ggplot2画火山图 library(ggplot2) #读取数据 #data download from GEO2R result setwd("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop") dif=read.table(file="Primary Tumor_Normal Colon.txt",header=T,row.names=1) dif[1:3,1:4] #添加显著与否标签 no_of_genes=nrow(dif);no_of_genes #4653 dif$threshold = as.factor(abs(dif$logFC) > 2 & dif$P.Value < 0.05/no_of_genes) #画火山图 g = ggplot(data=dif, aes(x=logFC, y=-log10(P.Value), colour=threshold)) + geom_point(alpha=0.4, size=1.75) + #opts(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) + scale_colour_hue(labels=c("Not sig.","Sig."))+ #xlim(c(-10, 10)) + ylim(c(0, 15)) + xlab("log2[fold change]") + ylab("-log10[p-value]") + theme_bw()+ # 背景色淡化 labs(title="Volcano plot") g #只标注显著基因的基因名 # 选出一部分基因:FC大且p小的基因 dd_text = dif[(abs(dif$logFC) > 2) & (dif$P.Value < 0.05/no_of_genes),] head(dd_text) #添加文字-基因名 g + geom_text(data=dd_text, aes(x=logFC, y=-log10(P.Value), label=dd_text$Gene.symbol), colour="black") #为了防止遮挡,建议使用包添加文字 library(ggrepel) g + geom_text_repel(data=dd_text, aes(x=logFC, y=-log10(P.Value), label=dd_text$Gene.symbol), colour="black")
ref: https://blog.csdn.net/wangjunliang/article/details/123093894
# 加载所需的R包 library(ggplot2) library(pheatmap) library(reshape2) # 读取测试数据 Input =(" Stage1_R1 Stage1_R2 Stage2_R1 Stage2_R2 Stage3_R1 Stage3_R2 Unigene0001 -1.1777172 -1.036102 0.8423829 1.3458754 0.1080678 -0.08250721 Unigene0002 1.0596877 1.490939 -0.7663244 -0.6255567 -0.5333080 -0.62543728 Unigene0003 0.9206594 1.575844 -0.7861697 -0.3860003 -0.5501094 -0.77422398 Unigene0004 -1.3553173 -1.145970 0.2097526 0.7059886 0.9516353 0.63391053 Unigene0005 1.0134516 1.445897 -0.9705129 -0.8560422 -0.2556562 -0.37713783 Unigene0006 0.8675939 1.575735 -1.0120718 -0.5856459 -0.2821991 -0.56341216 ") data = read.table(textConnection(Input), header=TRUE,row.names=1) ## #因为数据少,所以随便倍增一些数据。真实数据请跳过这一步 data=rbind(data,data*0.8) #造数据 data=rbind(data*0.9,data*(-0.8) ) #造数据 data=rbind(data*(-0.4),data*0.6) #造数据 row.names(data)=paste0('Unigene000',seq(1:nrow(data)) )#造数据 #end # #data = read.table("test.txt",header = T, row.names = 1,check.names = F) # 查看数据基本信息 head(data)#View(data) # 使用pheatmap绘制基因表达热图,并进行层次聚类分成不同的cluster p = pheatmap(data, border=F, #不要描边 show_rownames = F, #不显示基因名 #cellwidth =40, #设置宽度 #scale ='row', #对每一行z标准化 cutree_rows = 6, #对row聚类时,设置加几个白横分割线 cluster_cols = F, #不对列聚类 gaps_col = c(2,4,6), #对列分割,仅用于不对列聚类的时候 angle_col = 45, #底部的字旋转的方向 fontsize = 12) # 获取聚类后的基因顺序 row_cluster = cutree(p$tree_row,k=6) # 对聚类后的数据进行重新排序 newOrder = data[p$tree_row$order,] newOrder[,ncol(newOrder)+1]= row_cluster[match(rownames(newOrder),names(row_cluster))] colnames(newOrder)[ncol(newOrder)]="Cluster" # 查看重新排序后的数据 head(newOrder) # 查看聚类后cluster的基本信息 unique(newOrder$Cluster) #[1] 5 1 3 2 6 4 #统计每个cluster几个基因 table(newOrder$Cluster) #1 2 3 4 5 6 #4 20 12 2 8 2 # # 将新排序后的数据保存输出 newOrder$Cluster = paste0("cluster",newOrder$Cluster) #write.table(newOrder, "expr_DE.pheatmap.cluster.txt",sep="\t",quote = F,row.names = T,col.names = T) # # 绘制每个cluster的基因聚类趋势图 newOrder$gene = rownames(newOrder) head(newOrder) # Stage1_R1 Stage1_R2 Stage2_R1 Stage2_R2 Stage3_R1 Stage3_R2 Cluster gene #Unigene00032 0.4577851 0.6440856 -0.3310521 -0.2702405 -0.2303891 -0.2701889 cluster5 Unigene00032 #Unigene00033 0.3977249 0.6807646 -0.3396253 -0.1667521 -0.2376473 -0.3344648 cluster5 Unigene00033 # # library(reshape2) # 将短数据格式转换为长数据格式 data_new = melt(newOrder) head(data_new) # Cluster gene variable value #1 cluster5 Unigene00032 Stage1_R1 0.4577851 #2 cluster5 Unigene00033 Stage1_R1 0.3977249 # 绘制基因表达趋势折线图 ggplot(data_new,aes(variable, value, group=gene)) + geom_line(color="gray90",size=0.8) + geom_hline(yintercept =0,linetype=2) + stat_summary(aes(group=1),fun.y=mean, geom="line", size=1.2, color="#c51b7d") + facet_wrap(Cluster~.) + labs(x="Stage", y='Expression')+ theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(size=8, face = "bold"), axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60, hjust=1), #x标签旋转60度 strip.text = element_text(size = 8, face = "bold")) #
左: R原生画图; 右: ggplot2;
##data: 每群细胞中,各周期细胞数 mydatatxt=" G1S S G2M M MG1 BC_0 28 10 17 19 13 BC_1 21 13 7 13 28 HeLa_normal 11 3 3 3 9 HeLa_sync 3 10 7 7 0 " #从字符串中读取数据框 tbl1=read.table(text=mydatatxt, header=T) # text设置了,file就要留空 tbl1=tbl1[,c(5,4,3,2,1)] #reorder columns tbl1 #percentage tbl2=apply(tbl1,1,function(x){ 100*x/sum(x)}) cellNames=colnames(tbl2) colnames(tbl2)=NULL tbl2 #画条状图 library(RColorBrewer) col=RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 5,name = "Set2"); col=rev(col) barplot(1:5,col=col) #plot par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 5) + 0.1) posX=barplot(as.matrix(tbl2), col=col, #names.arg=(paste(substr(FirstName,1,1),".",LastName)), #设定横坐标名称 names.arg=NULL, space=0.2, #条形间距 #xlab="Individual #", ylab="Percentage", legend.text = rownames(tbl2), args.legend=list(x="right", #border=NA, #不要图例小方块描边 box.col="white", inset=-0.25,bty="n"), border=NA) #加底部x坐标标签 y = -0.05; text(posX, -5, labels=cellNames, adj=1, srt=30, xpd=TRUE) #adj标签与轴的距离,srt设置xlable角度 #box()
## 使用ggplot2的版本。 mydatatxt=" G1S S G2M M MG1 BC_0 28 10 17 19 13 BC_1 21 13 7 13 28 HeLa_normal 11 3 3 3 9 HeLa_sync 3 10 7 7 0 " #从字符串中读取数据框 tbl1=read.table(text=mydatatxt, header=T) # text设置了,file就要留空 #转为百分数 tbl2=as.data.frame(apply(tbl1, 1, function(x){x/sum(x)*100}) ) tbl2$cycle=rownames(tbl2) #添加一列:行名 tbl2 # BC_0 BC_1 HeLa_normal HeLa_sync cycle #G1S 32.18391 25.609756 37.93103 11.11111 G1S # 变为一列 dt2=reshape2::melt(tbl2, id.vars='cycle', #要保留的id变量(源) variable.name = "type", #melt后变量名列的名字(目标) #measure.vars=c(), #要melt的变量名(列名)(源) value.name="pct"); #melt后的数据列名字(目标) head(dt2) # cycle type pct #1 G1S BC_0 32.18391 #定义图例顺序 dt2$cycle=factor(dt2$cycle, levels=c('G1S','S','G2M','M','MG1')) ggplot(dt2, aes(x=type,y=pct, fill=cycle ))+ geom_bar(stat='identity')+ theme_bw()+ #+theme(legend.position = "none")+ # 不显示坐标轴 labs(x="")+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60, hjust=1,size=8,color="black") ) #坐标轴文字旋转60度
head(dif) # gene cellNumber meanDPAU sdDPAU RNACounts cpm totalCell domCell nonDomCell ratio #RPL8 RPL8 225 99.86553 0.3462266 712259 492539.3 225 225 0 1.0000000 #RPL3 RPL3 225 99.73653 0.9470744 542531 369992.2 225 223 2 0.9911111 #... #fig1: 查看分布图,略。 hist(dif$ratio, n=200) abline(v=0.9, col='red', lty=2) # #fig2: 略。(点的颜色普遍太淡) library(ggplot2) ggplot(dif, aes(meanDPAU, sdDPAU, color=ratio))+ geom_point(size=0.2)+ scale_color_gradient2('xx\nRatio', low="navy", mid='white', high="red", midpoint =0.7)+ theme_bw()
#fig3: 见上图 # step0: 设置颜色。色彩向量取值范围是0-1,但是数据偏斜向1。0.5以下很稀疏。 bk0=seq(0.0,0.39,by=0.01) #almost non data bk1=seq(0.4,0.59,by=0.01) bk2=seq(0.6,0.79,by=0.01) bk3=seq(0.8,1,by=0.01) # colors = c( colorRampPalette(colors = c("navy","blue"))(length(bk0)), colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue","#00BFFF"))(length(bk1)), colorRampPalette(colors = c("#00BFFF","#FFE9E9"))(length(bk2)), colorRampPalette(colors = c("#FFE9E9","red"))(length(bk3)) ) print( length( seq(0,1,0.01) ) ) print( length(colors) ) # library(Cairo) dev.off() #for jupyter bug CairoPDF('6_9_domi__testing__.pdf', width=4.5,height=4) #页面布局 mat = matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE); layout(mat) ############ #step1: plot par(mar=c(4.5,4.5,4,0)) #bottom, left, top, right plot(NULL, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,55), type='n', xlab="Mean of xx", ylab="Standard deviation of xx", main="Colored by xx ratio") for(i in 1:nrow(dif)){ v=round(dif$ratio[i],2)*100 color=colors[v] points(dif[i,'meanDPAU'], dif[i, 'sdDPAU'], pch=20, cex=0.05, col=color) } ############ #step2: 用image函数画color bar par(mar=c(13,2.5,6,5)) #bottom, left, top, right n=100 image(t(matrix(0:n)),col=colors, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", cex = 1.5, mgp=c(0,1,0), #main="Dominant\ncell ratio", bty='n',#box type xlab = "", ylab = "" ) text(x=0,y=1.1,labels=c("xx\nratio"),xpd=T) axis(4,at=seq(0,1,by=0.2), labels=seq(0,1,0.20), cex.axis=1, #坐标轴刻度字体大小 #col.axis="red", #坐标轴刻度字体颜色 #col="purple", #坐标轴颜色 lwd=1, #坐标轴刻度粗细 las=0)#las=0垂直于轴,2平行于轴 # dev.off()
#cut(x, breaks): Convert Numeric to Factor # 1. 生成数据 set.seed(20211119) dat_1=rnorm(100, 0, 1) # 3. 数据和颜色的映射 # fun1: 使用cut 函数,连续型变量变成分窗的因子 continuousDat2bins=function(dat, binwidth=NA){ # to get min and max l1=min(dat);l1 #-1.868331 u1=max(dat);u1 #2.796254 l2=floor(l1*10)/10; l2 #-1.9 u2=ceiling(u1*10)/10; u2 #2.8 # get binwidth if(is.na(binwidth)){ binwidth=(u2-l2)/100 } # get breaks, include the max number breaks=seq(l2, u2, binwidth) if(max(breaks) < u2){ breaks=c(breaks, u2)} # convert dat to factors dat_3=cut(dat, breaks = breaks ); dat_3 } #dat_3=continuousDat2bins(dat_1) # fun2: 分窗的因子变为渐变色颜色 bins2colors=function(bins, colors=c('green4','white','maroon3')){ # 定义渐变色 colors2=colorRampPalette(colors = colors, interpolate ="linear")( length(levels(bins)) ) # map dat to colors, by index of bin index plotcol = colors2[ bins ]; return(list(plotcol, colors2) ) } #bins2colors(dat_3) # fun3: 合并以上2个函数,连续型变量映射到渐变色颜色 continuousDat2Colos=function(dat, binwidth=NA, colors=c('green4','white','maroon3')){ bins2colors(continuousDat2bins(dat, binwidth), colors ) } #continuousDat2Colos(dat_1) colors2=continuousDat2Colos(dat_1, colors=c("purple", "purple4", "black", "yellow3", "yellow")) colors2 # 4. 画图 #pdf("01.pdf", width=3.2, height=2.8) png("01.png", width=3.2*72, height=2.8*72, res=72) mat=matrix(c(1,2),ncol=2) layout(mat, widths = c(3,1)) #右图: 左右3:1 par(mar=c(3,3,1,0)) # left plot(dat_1, pch=20, col=colors2[[1]], bty="l", mgp=c(2,0.8,0), ylab="XX value", main="") box(bty="l", lwd=2) #坐标轴加粗 # right #par(mar=c(3,1,3,5)) par(mar=c(7,0.5,2, 3)) len=length(colors2[[2]]) #颜色长度 barplot( rep(1, len), col=colors2[[2]], border=NA, space=0, horiz =T, ann=F, axes=F) # 图例上的数字怎么能靠近整数关口? //todo # fun: 图例表示的数值data,渐变色的长度len,获取渐变色上的刻度位置和刻度值。 getTicks=function(dat, len){ #需要手动修正 # (Real)from min(dat) to max(dat) # (mark)to 0 to len real_tick_len=(max(dat) - min(dat)) / 4 real_tick=seq(min(dat), max(dat), real_tick_len) real_tick=round(real_tick, 2) mark_tick=seq(0, len, (len-0)/4) return( list( label=real_tick, #等差数列,来自dat,刻度值 at=mark_tick # 等差数列,来自渐变色长度 len,刻度位置 ) ) } ticks=getTicks(dat_1, len) axis(side=4, at=ticks$at, #刻度位置 labels=ticks$label, #刻度值 tcl=-0.1, # 刻度线长度 mgp=c(1,0.3,0), #刻度值与颜色条距离 las=2) dev.off()
示例: 顶部barplot,底下百分数barplot,共用x坐标轴,所以要一一对应。
library(Cairo) # make data dt0=diamonds[1:1000,] head(dt0) dt1=table(dt0$cut, dt0$color) dt1 CairoPDF('barplot_combine.pdf', width=4,height=4) #要在布局代码之前保存 #页面布局 mat = matrix(c(1,1,2,2,2,2), ncol=1, byrow=T);mat layout(mat) ### fig1 barplot dt.rsum=apply(dt1, 1, sum) dt.rsum par(mar=c(1,4,4,6)+ 0.1) #bottom, left, top, right barplot(as.numeric(dt.rsum), ylab="number", names.arg=NULL,border=NA,space=0.2) #### fig2 percentage barplot tbl2=apply(dt1,1,function(x){ 100*x/sum(x)}) cellNames=colnames(tbl2) colnames(tbl2)=NULL tbl2 #画条状图 library(RColorBrewer) col=RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = nrow(tbl2),name = "Set2"); col=rev(col) #barplot(1:5,col=col) #plot par(mar=c(5, 4, 0, 6) + 0.1) ##bottom, left, top, right posX2=barplot(as.matrix(tbl2), col=col, #names.arg=(paste(substr(FirstName,1,1),".",LastName)), #设定横坐标名称 names.arg=NULL, space=0.2, #条形间距 #xlab="Individual #", ylab="Percentage", legend.text = rownames(tbl2), args.legend=list(x="right", border=NA, #不要图例小方块描边 box.col="black", inset=-0.1,bty="n"), border=NA) # 加底部x坐标标签 y2 = par('usr')[3]-2; text(posX2, y2, labels=cellNames, adj=1, srt=30, xpd=TRUE) #adj标签与轴的距离,srt设置xlable角度 #box() dev.off() ## 绘图区域的大小 # par('usr') #c(x1, x2, y1, y2) #[1] -0.032 6.232 -1.000 100.000
#附: fig1 barplot 如果想在bar顶部标记上数字和百分比 dt.rsum=apply(dt1, 1, sum);dt.rsum dt.rsum=as.numeric(dt.rsum);dt.rsum par(mar=c(1,4,5,6)+ 0.1) #bottom, left, top, right posX=barplot(dt.rsum, ylab="number", ylim=c(0,400), names.arg=NULL,border=NA,space=0.2) text(x=posX, y=dt.rsum+20, label=paste0(dt.rsum, '\n(', round(dt.rsum/sum(dt.rsum),2)*100,'%)' ), font=1,cex=0.7)
3.对每个基因,使用 LOESS 做平滑化后的基因表达值做heatmap。
目标图片 monocle at github:
分化过程图 | 2个分化方向 |
#调试和探索函数 check=function(df){ print(dim(df)) print(head(df)) } # 负二项分布,模拟基因的表达,比正态分布更优。 a1=c(); a2=c() for(i in 1:1000){ w=rnbinom(cellNumber, size = 100, prob = 0.1) #plot(w) a1=c(a1, mean(w) ) a2=c(a2, sd(w)) } plot(a1,a2) w=rnbinom(cellNumber, size = 100, prob = 0.1) hist(w) ############### color bar from monocle::plot_pseudotime_heatmap ############## # 这个 color bar 来自于monocle,画热图效果很好。该渐变色原理和细节请参考 http://www.biomooc.com/R/R-color.html#2_3 # fn1 table.ramp = function (n, mid = 0.5, sill = 0.5, base = 1, height = 1) { x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n) y <- rep(0, length(x)) sill.min <- max(c(1, round((n - 1) * (mid - sill/2)) + 1)) sill.max <- min(c(n, round((n - 1) * (mid + sill/2)) + 1)) y[sill.min:sill.max] <- 1 base.min <- round((n - 1) * (mid - base/2)) + 1 base.max <- round((n - 1) * (mid + base/2)) + 1 xi <- base.min:sill.min yi <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(xi)) i <- which(xi > 0 & xi <= n) y[xi[i]] <- yi[i] xi <- sill.max:base.max yi <- seq(1, 0, length.out = length(xi)) i <- which(xi > 0 & xi <= n) y[xi[i]] <- yi[i] height * y } # fn2 rgb.tables=function (n, red = c(0.75, 0.25, 1), green = c(0.5, 0.25, 1), blue = c(0.25, 0.25, 1)) { rr <- do.call("table.ramp", as.list(c(n, red))) gr <- do.call("table.ramp", as.list(c(n, green))) br <- do.call("table.ramp", as.list(c(n, blue))) rgb(rr, gr, br) } # fn3 blue2green2red=function (n) { rgb.tables(n, red = c(0.8, 0.2, 1), green = c(0.5, 0.4, 0.8), blue = c(0.2, 0.2, 1)) } bks <- seq(-3.1,3.1, by = 0.1) hmcols <- blue2green2red(length(bks) - 1) hmcols # view the color bar barplot(rep(1, length(hmcols)), col=hmcols, border = NA, space=0, axes=F) ############### make data: 造数据,如果时真实数据,跳过这一步 ############## makeData=function(){ df=NULL set.seed(2020) for(i in 1:geneNumber){ #a=rnorm(cellNumber, mean = 3, sd = 5) a=rnbinom(cellNumber, size = 1000, prob = 0.1) #负二项分布 names(a)=paste0('cell', 1:cellNumber) df=rbind(df, a) } #rownames(df)=paste0('gene', 1:geneNumber) dim(df) df[1:10,1:5] ## 倍增仅 df=rbind(df,df*0.8) #造数据 df=rbind(df*1.9,df*(-1.8) ) #造数据 df=rbind(df*(-0.4),df*0.6) #造数据 # #负值变正数 df=apply(df, 2, function(x){ ifelse(x<0, -10*x, 10*x) }) df=as.data.frame(df) # 要去掉全是0的行 keep=apply(df,1,sum)>0 df=df[keep,] row.names(df)=paste0('gene',seq(1:nrow(df)) )#造数据 return(df) } # cellNumber=100 geneNumber=300 df2=makeData() dim(df2) df2[1:10,1:5] # normalization df2.cpm=apply(df2, 2, function(x){1e6*x/sum(x)}) df2.log2cpm=apply(df2.cpm, 2, function(x){log2(x+1)}) dim(df2.log2cpm) head(df2.log2cpm[,1:4]) library(pheatmap) pheatmap( df2, scale='row') pheatmap( df2.log2cpm, scale='row') #这热图没法看 ### ## step2: select genes, by expression #筛选前10%细胞表达median值最高的10%的基因 median_df=NULL i=1 for(gene in rownames(df2.log2cpm)){ i=i+1 #if(i>10)break; tmp=as.numeric(df2.log2cpm[gene,]) tmp=tmp[order(-tmp)] tmp.median=median(tmp[1: round(length(tmp)*0.1)]) median_df=rbind(median_df, data.frame( gene=gene, value=tmp.median, sd=sd(tmp) )) } rownames(median_df)=median_df$gene median_df=median_df[order(-median_df$value),] check(median_df) useGenes=rownames(median_df)[1:round(geneNumber*0.05)] length(useGenes) head(useGenes) # 使用标准化后的数据 p=pheatmap(df2.log2cpm[useGenes,] , border_color = NA, scale='row', color=hmcols, main="log2cpm") #使用原始counts数据 #p=pheatmap(df2[useGenes,] , border_color = NA, scale='row', # color=hmcols, main="raw counts") #get cell order from heatmap, and reorder df cellOrder=colnames(df2.log2cpm)[p$tree_col$order] head(cellOrder) df3=df2.log2cpm[,cellOrder] head(df3[,1:4]) ######################## ## LOESS 平滑化 ######################## ########## # test one gene geneID=1 y1=df3[geneID,] plot(y1, type='l') # addLine=function(span, color, ...){ y2=predict(loess(df3[geneID,] ~ seq(1, ncol(df3)), span=span)) lines(y2, type="l", col=color, ...) } addLine(0.1, 'green') addLine(0.2, 'blue') addLine(0.5, 'red') #差不多了 addLine(1, 'purple',lwd=2) addLine(2, 'orange',lwd=2, lty=2) addLine(8, 'grey',lwd=5, lty=2) ########## ## 批量化 testSpan=function(span=0.2){ df4=apply(df3, 1, function(x){ predict(loess(x ~ seq(1, length(x)), span=span)) }) df4=as.data.frame(t(df4)) colnames(df4)=colnames(df3) dim(df3) dim(df4) head(df4[,1:5]) ## heatmap again p=pheatmap(df4[useGenes,] , border_color = NA, scale='row', clustering_method='ward.D2', cluster_cols = F, show_colnames = F, #gaps_col = c(60), cutree_rows = 3, color=hmcols, main=paste0("span=", span) ) return(p) } # test various span for perfect effect testSpan(0.1) testSpan(0.5) testSpan(1) #效果可以 testSpan(1.5) # testSpan(2) #效果可以 testSpan(4) testSpan(8) #之后无变化 testSpan(16) testSpan(32) testSpan(100) # testSpan(0.2) testSpan(0.3) testSpan(0.4) testSpan(0.5)# testSpan(0.6) testSpan(0.7) testSpan(0.8) testSpan(0.9) # 重绘热图,add row annotation p2=testSpan(2) # 获取聚类后的基因顺序 row_cluster = cutree(p2$tree_row,k=3) row_cluster # 获取每个cluster的基因名字 gSet1=names(row_cluster[which(row_cluster==1)]) #示例 # annote_row=data.frame( gene=names(row_cluster), Cluster=paste0("Cluster",unname(row_cluster)), row.names = 1 ) annote_row$Cluster=as.factor(annote_row$Cluster) head(annote_row) ## 这个自定义颜色必须是list,不能是df!! annote_color=list( Cluster=c('Cluster1'="#66C3A6", 'Cluster2'="#FD8D63",'Cluster3'="#FFD92F") ) head(annote_row) testSpan2=function(annote_row,annote_color, span=0.2){ df4=apply(df3, 1, function(x){ predict(loess(x ~ seq(1, length(x)), span=span)) }) df4=as.data.frame(t(df4)) colnames(df4)=colnames(df3) dim(df3) dim(df4) head(df4[,1:5]) ## heatmap again p=pheatmap(df4[useGenes,] , border_color = NA, scale='row', clustering_method='ward.D2', cluster_cols = F, show_colnames = F, annotation_row = annote_row, annotation_colors = annote_color, #gaps_col = c(60), cutree_rows = 3, color=hmcols, main=paste0("span=", span) ) return(p) } testSpan2(annote_row,annote_color, span=2) #页码上面的示例图就是这一步的结果
目标图片: 2015 Cell, Drop seq, Figure 4 Cell-Cycle Analysis of HEK and 3T3 Cells Analyzed by Drop-Seq.
细胞周期相关基因 list: A complete list of cell-cycle regulated genes can be found in Table S2
# aim: scRNAseq to determine cell cycle. # 缺陷: 这是对细胞系做的周期分类,没有考虑G0期。 # source: 2015 cell, drop seq; # v0.3 fix filter line. ## 准备工作 #1. 定义资源的路径: infoPath infoPath="/home/wangjl/data/cellLines/" #basic information, like cycle gene list, RNA expression matrix, cell type info; #2.下载周期相关基因列表,命名为 G1S.txt等5个文件,一个基因一行,不加引号。文件放到infoPath下。 #3. 你自己的单细胞转录组表达矩阵, row为基因,column为cell; #4. cell information: 可选参数,用于对表达矩阵的column做筛选,也就是取细胞的子集。 # 经验: #1. 一次对一种细胞做细胞周期鉴定,超过一个种类可能结果不准确; #2. 如果细胞的一部分是(药物、刺激等)处理过的,那么用normal部分筛选基因后,对全部细胞做周期鉴定,否则会失真。 #3. 要保证矩阵不能有全是0的行。本例是3'测序,使用的是log(cpm+1),如果是全长测序,可以使用log(tpm+1)或log(rpkm+1) setwd("/home/wangjl/data/cellLines/cycle/") outputRoot="BC_" #load data: 表达counts矩阵 (确定是 raw counts矩阵,第一步过后会有标准化) fname=paste0(infoPath,"BC_HeLa.225cells.count.V3.csv") data=read.csv(fname,row.names = 1) dim(data) #[1] 18679 225 data[1:4,1:4] # c01ROW24 c01ROW35 c01ROW31 c05ROW02 #A1BG-AS1 0 0 0 0 #A2M 0 0 0 0 #helper: return cell phase names getCellPhaseList=function(){ c('G1S', 'S','G2M','M','MG1'); } #load data: 细胞类型 cellType=read.csv( paste0(infoPath,"cellInfo.txt"),row.names = 1) head(cellType) # geneNumber countsPerCell countsPerGene cellType #c01ROW24 5693 1950601 342.6315 BC_syncMix #c01ROW35 6768 3048970 450.4979 BC_syncMix dim(cellType) #225 4 #获取细胞子集:BC data2=data[,row.names(cellType[which( substr(cellType$cellType,1,3)=="BC_" ),])] dim(data2) #[1] 18679 169 #只保留非0的行 keep=apply(data2>0,1,sum)>0 table(keep) #FALSE TRUE #403 18276 data2=data2[keep,] #filter out all 0 rows dim(data2) #[1] 18276 169 #load data: 每个时期的gene set,和表达矩阵求基因交集 geneSets=list(); for(i in 1:length(getCellPhaseList() )){ setName=getCellPhaseList()[i] print( paste(i, setName) ) tmpGenes=readLines( paste0(infoPath,setName,'.txt') ) print( length(tmpGenes) ) #和矩阵的列求交集 geneSets[[setName]]=intersect(tmpGenes, row.names(data2)) print( length(geneSets[[setName]])) #95 } ## begin #step1: exclude genes cor<0.3 with mean of the set geneSets2=list(); for(i in 1:length(getCellPhaseList() )){ #求G1S集合中的gene mean setName=getCellPhaseList()[i] #'G1S'; print( paste(i, setName) ) setMean=apply(data2[geneSets[[setName]], ], 2,mean) #head(setMean) #每个基因和平均值求cor tmpGenes=c() for(g in geneSets[[setName]]){ #rs=cor(t(data2[g,]), setMean) rs=cor(as.numeric(data2[g,]), setMean) #print( paste(g,rs) ) if(rs>=0.3){ tmpGenes=c(tmpGenes,g) } } #[1] "ACD 0.324866931495592" #[1] "ACYP1 0.0858240480040331" #[1] "ADAMTS1 -0.128818193750771" print( length(tmpGenes) ) geneSets2[[setName]]=tmpGenes } geneSets2 sum(sapply(geneSets2, function(x){length(x)})) #321 # step2: depth norm; log2 norm; getNormalizedCts <- function ( cts ) { #ctsPath #cts <- read.table ( ctsPath , header = T , as.is = T ) apply ( cts , 2 , function ( x ) { log2 ( ( 10^6 ) * x / sum ( x ) + 1 ) }) } normCts=getNormalizedCts(data2) dim(normCts) normCts[1:10,1:5] #apply(normCts,2,sum) #step3: calculate 5 phase scores each cell(mean of phase genes) # Tested. Passed. assignSampleScore <- function ( phaseGenesList , normCts ) { scores <- lapply ( phaseGenesList , function ( pGenes ) { print(length(pGenes) ) apply ( normCts , 2 , function ( x ) { mean ( x [ pGenes ] ) } ) } ) do.call ( cbind , scores ) } scoreMatrix <- assignSampleScore ( geneSets2 , normCts ) dim(scoreMatrix) #169 5 head(scoreMatrix) # G1S S G2M M MG1 #c12ROW02 3.774424 3.742809 3.131765 3.524596 4.595119 #c12ROW03 3.274414 2.999720 3.231767 3.422519 5.221042 write.table ( scoreMatrix , paste ( outputRoot , "PhaseScores.txt" , sep = "" ) ) # pheatmap(scoreMatrix, scale='row', border_color = NA) #step4: z-norm(each phase, then each cell) # Tested. Passed. getNormalizedScores <- function ( scoreMatrix ) { norm1 <- apply ( scoreMatrix , 2 , scale ) normScores <- t ( apply ( t ( norm1 ) , 2 , scale ) ) rownames ( normScores ) <- rownames ( scoreMatrix ) colnames ( normScores ) <- colnames ( scoreMatrix ) normScores } normScores <- getNormalizedScores ( scoreMatrix ) head(normScores) # G1S S G2M M MG1 #c12ROW02 -0.5587886 1.71406144 -0.767616785 0.012780937 -0.4004370 #c12ROW03 -1.0458011 -0.56059069 -0.005651298 0.002073499 1.6099696 write.table ( normScores , paste ( outputRoot , "PhaseNormScores.txt", sep = "" ) ) #pheatmap(normScores, scale='row', border_color = NA) #画出每个细胞的各个周期打分 i=5;plot(normScores[i,],type='o',col=rainbow(i), main=rownames(normScores)[i]) i=8;plot(normScores[i,],type='o',col=rainbow(i), main=rownames(normScores)[i]) #step5: assign phase for each cell getReferenceProfiles <- function () { referenceProfiles <- list ( "G1S" = c ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "G1S.S" = c ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "S" = c ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "S.G2M" = c ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) , "G2M" = c ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) , "G2M.M" = c ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) , "M" = c ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) , "M.MG1" = c ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , "MG1" = c ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) , "MG1.G1S" = c ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) , "all" = c ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ) #referenceProfiles <- lapply ( referenceProfiles , function ( x ) { names ( x ) <- c ( "G1S", "S", "G2" , "G2M" , "MG1" ); x } ) referenceProfiles <- lapply ( referenceProfiles , function ( x ) { names ( x ) <- c ( 'G1S', 'S','G2M','M','MG1' ); x } ) do.call ( rbind , referenceProfiles ) } # Tested. Passed. assignRefCors <- function ( normScores ) { referenceProfiles <- getReferenceProfiles() t ( apply ( normScores , 1 , function ( sampleScores ) { apply ( referenceProfiles , 1 , function ( refProfile ) { cor ( sampleScores , refProfile ) } ) } ) ) } # Tested. Passed. getPhases <- function ( ) { #phases <- c ( "G1S", "S", "G2" , "G2M" , "MG1" ) phases <- c ( 'G1S', 'S','G2M','M','MG1' ) names ( phases ) <- phases phases } # Tested. Passed. assignPhase <- function ( refCors ) { phases <- getPhases () apply ( refCors [ ,phases ] , 1 , function ( x ) { phases [ which.max ( x ) ] } ) } ###### Score cycle similarity refCors <- assignRefCors ( normScores ) head(refCors) assignedPhase <- assignPhase ( refCors ) head(assignedPhase) # table(assignedPhase) # assignedPhase #G1S G2M M MG1 S #49 24 32 41 23 # getDFfromNamed=function(Namedxx){ data.frame( id=attr(Namedxx,'names'), val=unname(Namedxx), row.names = 1 ) } rs=getDFfromNamed(assignedPhase) head(rs) #保存标签结果 write.csv(rs,paste ( outputRoot , "cellCycle_phase.csv" , sep = "" ) ) # #和第四步比较呢? i=5;plot(normScores[i,],type='o',col=rainbow(i), main=rownames(normScores)[i]) #目测几个,就是求最高值 # #step6 ####### Order cells # Tested. Passed. orderSamples <- function ( refCors , assignedPhase) { phases <- getPhases() orderedSamples <- list() for ( phase in phases ) { phaseCor <- refCors [ assignedPhase == phase , ] phaseIndex <- which ( colnames ( phaseCor ) == phase ) if ( phaseIndex == 1 ) { preceding = ncol ( phaseCor ) - 1 } else { preceding <- phaseIndex - 1 } if ( phaseIndex == ncol ( phaseCor ) - 1 ) { following = 1 } else { following <- phaseIndex + 1 } earlyIndex <- phaseCor [ , preceding ] > phaseCor [ , following ] earlyCor <- subset ( phaseCor , earlyIndex ) earlySamples <- rownames ( earlyCor ) [ order ( earlyCor [ , preceding ] , decreasing = T ) ] lateCor <- subset ( phaseCor , ! earlyIndex ) lateSamples <- rownames ( lateCor ) [ order ( lateCor [ , following ] , decreasing = F ) ] orderedSamples [[ phase ]] <- c ( earlySamples , lateSamples ) } refCors [ do.call ( c , orderedSamples ) , ] } # ordCor <- orderSamples ( refCors , assignedPhase ) write.table ( cbind ( ordCor , "assignedPhase" = assignedPhase [ rownames ( ordCor ) ] ) , paste ( outputRoot , "PhaseRefCor.txt" , sep = "" ) ) # #step7 ####### Plot # Passed. plotCycle <- function ( phaseCorsMatrix, ... ) { library("pheatmap") library("RColorBrewer") breaks <- seq ( -1 , 1 , length.out = 31 ) heatColors <- rev (brewer.pal ( 9, 'RdBu')) heatColors <-colorRampPalette(heatColors) colorPallete <- heatColors((length ( breaks ) - 1 )) # create heatmap hm.parameters <- list(phaseCorsMatrix, border_color=NA, color = colorPallete, breaks = breaks, cellwidth = NA, cellheight = NA, scale = "none", treeheight_row = 50, kmeans_k = NA, show_rownames = T, show_colnames = F, #main = "", clustering_method = "average", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_distance_cols = NA , legend = T , annotation_legend = F,... ) do.call("pheatmap", hm.parameters ) } phases <- getPhases() #jpeg ( paste ( outputRoot , "PhasePlot.jpg" , sep = "" ) , 5 , 3 , units = "in" , res = 300 ) pdf( paste0( outputRoot, "a7_PhasePlot.pdf"), width=4, height=2.5) plotCycle ( t ( ordCor [ , phases ] ), main= paste0("XX ", nrow(ordCor), ' cells') ) #dev.off() ## check df1=rs head(df1) table(df1$val) cellType2=cellType[rownames(df1),] cellType2$cellCycle=df1$val head(cellType2) table(cellType2$cellType, cellType2$cellCycle) # G1S G2M M MG1 S #BC_0 28 17 19 13 10 #BC_1 21 7 13 28 13
目标图片: Science 2018, Fig. 5 The molecular clock across tissues
(C) Distribution of the peak phases of core clock components in the tissues where they are detected as cycling.
#1. make data n=200 set.seed(10) dt=data.frame( time=runif(n, 0,24), gene1=rbinom(n, 1, 0.1), gene2=rbinom(n, 1, 0.4), gene3=rbinom(n, 1, 0.1) ) dt[which(dt$gene1==1),]$gene1=7 dt[which(dt$gene2==1),]$gene2=7.5 dt[which(dt$gene3==1),]$gene3=9 #table(dt$gene3) library(reshape2) df=melt(dt, id="time") head(df) # 第一列时间点(0-24), 第二列基因名字,第三列基因表达是与否(0或1) # time variable value #1 12.179477 gene1 0 #2 7.362444 gene1 0 #3 10.245784 gene1 0 #2. draw draw=function(df){ #step1 定义一个无数据的空坐标系统 g=ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid =element_blank(), ## 删去网格线 panel.border = element_blank(), #去掉外边框 plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #标题居中 axis.text.y = element_blank(), #删掉y轴文字 axis.ticks = element_blank() #删去坐标刻度 ) + #coord_cartesian(ylim=c(1.5,2.8))+ scale_y_continuous( expand = c(0,0), #去掉图与y轴间隙 limits=c(5,10))+ #y轴显示范围 scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0), breaks=seq(0,24,2), #每2个一个刻度 labels=seq(0,24,2))+ labs(x="", y="", title="XX gene expression level\nacross the hours") #step2 添加网格线: 放射线 g=g + geom_vline(aes(xintercept= seq(0,24,2) ), color="#D0D0D0", size=0.8, linetype="dashed") #step3 添加网格线: 圆圈线 for(i in c( 7, 7.5, 9)){ g=(function(i2){ print(i2)# 不加这一句不更新,会遇到闭包问题 g + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=i2), color="#DFDFDF", size=1, linetype="dashed") })(i) } g=g + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=c(6,10) ), color="#DFDFDF", size=1, linetype="solid") #step4 添加数据 g=g+geom_point(mapping= aes(time, value, fill=variable), shape=21, color="NA", size=3, data=df)+ scale_fill_manual('XX Gene', values = c('red', 'blue', 'purple'))+ geom_rect(data = NULL, # 中心圆环 aes(ymin = 5, ymax = 5.9), xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, fill = "white", colour = "white", size = 1, linetype="solid") return(g) };draw(df)+coord_polar()
head(df3) #数据 7776 5 # mean_normal mean_sync mean delta status #SPARC 0.02001691 3.917605 1.866243 -4.884748 down #COX5BP1 0.01877168 4.004604 1.906797 -4.871463 down #求平均数和标准差 m1=mean(df3$delta) sd1=sd(df3$delta) # 统计status列每个值的个数 tb=table(df3$status);tb #down ns up # 124 7454 198 #ggplot2 画图 g=ggplot(df3, aes( x= mean , y=delta, color=factor(status,levels=c('up','ns','down')) ) ) + geom_point(alpha=0.5,size=0.1)+ labs( title="xxx", x='Mean log RNA expression', y="Delta CV" ) + theme_bw()+ theme(legend.box = "horizontal", # 图例,水平,标到底部 legend.key.size=unit(10,"pt"), #图例方块的高度 legend.position="bottom") + scale_color_manual('Change', labels=c( paste0("up(",tb[3],")"),paste0('n.s.(',tb[2],')'),paste0("down(",tb[1],")") ), #图例文字 values=c("red", "grey",'blue') )+ #自定义颜色 #scale_shape(guide = guide_legend(title.position = "top", size=12)) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=m1+sd1*2), color="#aaaaaa", linetype="dashed")+ geom_hline(aes(yintercept=m1-sd1*2), color="#aaaaaa", linetype="dashed");g # 为点添加文字注释 library(ggrepel) dd_text=df3[which(df3$delta >m1+sd1*7 | df3$delta < (m1-sd1*8) ),];dim(dd_text) g2=g+geom_text_repel(data=dd_text, aes(x=mean, y=delta, label=rownames(dd_text)), color="black",size=3,alpha=0.6)+ guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1,size=2)))#放大图例的点 # 保存到文件 library(Cairo) CairoPDF(file="03_RNA_Sync_vs_normal_HeLa_CV_changed_genes_v3.pdf",width=4,height=4) print(g2) dev.off()
可以使用 text()
# 读取文件 text1=read.delim("fun.txt",header=FALSE) #该文件在文末 text1 len=nrow(text1); #29 b=20; # 绘图 #tiff(filename="haha.tif",width=25,height=12,units="cm",compression="lzw",bg="white") #? #png(file="aaaa.png",width=800,height=600); #svg('aaaa.svg', width=8, height=6) pdf('aaaa.pdf', width=10, height=6) # 左边的图 par(fig=c(0,0.55,0,1),bty="n"); plot(c(0,1,4,9,16,25), type='o',ylab="y", pch=20) # 右边的图: 文字 par(fig=c(0.4,1,0,1),bty="n", new=TRUE); #fig=c(x1, x2, y1, y2), 添加到新图 new = TRUE plot(1:b,1:b,type="n", #type="n"不生成任何点和线,创建坐标系 xaxt="n",yaxt="n", xlab="",ylab=""); sum=b+b/(2*len); #20.3448 for(i in 1:(len)){ if (i %in% c(1,7,18,27) ){ text(1,sum,text1[i,],adj=0,cex=0.8,font=2); #大号字体 }else{ text(1,sum,text1[i,],adj=0,cex=0.8, col='grey20') } sum=sum-b/(len); #一行的高度差不多是 20/1.6896 print(sum) } dev.off() ####### 补充材料 $ cat fun.txt INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING [J] Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis [A] RNA processing and modification [K] Transcription [L] Replication, recombination and repair [B] Chromatin structure and dynamics CELLULAR PROCESSES AND SIGNALING [D] Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning [Y] Nuclear structure [V] Defense mechanisms [T] Signal transduction mechanisms [M] Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis [N] Cell motility [Z] Cytoskeleton [W] Extracellular structures [U] Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport [O] Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones METABOLISM [C] Energy production and conversion [G] Carbohydrate transport and metabolism [E] Amino acid transport and metabolism [F] Nucleotide transport and metabolism [H] Coenzyme transport and metabolism [I] Lipid transport and metabolism [P] Inorganic ion transport and metabolism [Q] Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism POORLY CHARACTERIZED [R] General function prediction only [S] Function unknown
#数据源是 metascape 做的GO分析结果: http://www.metascape.org/ # install.packages('xlsx') loadGOfromXLS=function(fname){ library(xlsx) dat = read.xlsx(fname, sheetName = "Enrichment", encoding = 'UTF-8') #dim(dat) #164 9 # (1)filter by p value dt2=dat[which(dat$Log.q.value. < log10(0.05)),] head(dt2[,c(1,2,3,6)]) #dim(dt2) #17 9 #colnames(dt2) #1."GroupID" "Category" "Term" "Description" "LogP" "Log.q.value." #7 "InTerm_InList" "Genes" "Symbols" # (2)filter out duplicate terms dt3=dt2[!duplicated(dt2[,'Description']),] # (3) keep Summary only dt4=dt3[grep('Summary',dt3$GroupID),] return(dt4) } library(ggplot2) GO_barplot=function(dt0){ dt0=dt0[order(-dt0$Log.q.value.),] ggplot(dt0, aes(x=Description, y=-Log.q.value. #, fill=Category ))+ geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.15, fill="black")+ coord_flip()+ scale_x_discrete(limits=dt0$Description,labels = NULL )+ theme_classic()+ theme(legend.position="none")+ scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+ #去掉坐标轴两端的空白 annotate("text", x=seq(1, nrow(dt0))-0.3, y=0, #位置 hjust = 0, #文字左对齐 label= dt0$Description)+ labs(x="", y="-Log10(q-value)")+ theme( axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.line.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank() ) } # read and plot fname="F:\\c1_Figure\\Fig2\\vstVar_changed_HeLa\\down-313\\all.tfo2sgtfh\\metascape_result.xlsx" dt4=loadGOfromXLS(fname) GO_barplot(dt4) # or plot using part of these items. g2=GO_barplot(dt2[c(seq(1,8), 11,15,16,18,19,20),]) g2 ## save to pdf library(Cairo) CairoPDF(file='F:/c1_Figure/GO_replot/06_CCNB1-pearson_cor-89genes.pdf',width=7,height=5) g2 dev.off()
左: barplot 添加error bar;
右: line plot 添加error bar; 对坐标轴axis和轴标题、刻度标签间的距离、刻度长度的控制。
# R base 版 barplot data = data.frame(mean = c(8, 15), sd = c(9, 17)) rownames(data) = c("case", "control") par(lwd = 2) xPos = barplot(data$mean, col =c('#e82364', '#5bc4ba'), #c("red", "blue"), ylim = c(0, 25), axes = F, font = 2) b=xPos text(x=xPos, y=-1.2, labels=rownames(data), xpd=TRUE, #允许绘制在绘图区外 adj=1, #adj=1右上对齐 srt=30) #倾斜30度 arrows(xPos[1], data$mean[1], b[1], data$sd[1], angle = 90) # error bar arrows(xPos[2], data$mean[2], b[2], data$sd[2], angle = 90) # error bar # 顶上的虚线 lines( x = c(b[1], b[1], b[2], b[2]), y = c( data$sd[1] * 1.05 , data$sd[2] * 1.1, data$sd[2] * 1.1, data$sd[2] * 1.05), lty = 2) # 星号 text( x = b[1] + (b[2] - b[1]) / 2, y = data$sd[2] * 1.1, label = "****", cex = 2, adj = c(0.5, 0)) # 加坐标轴 axis(side = 2, lwd = 2, font = 2, cex = 1.5)
# R base 版: line plot # 输入数据是均值和标准差 > head(dfB2) mean sd 1 0.000000000 0.000000000 2 0.008797837 0.001955405 3 0.020597459 0.005301535 ########## 3rd Edition: use mean and sd plot library(Cairo) CairoPDF("10x_c1.geneBodyCoverage.curves-3.pdf", width=5, height=3) x=1:100 plot(NULL, NULL, type='l', xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F, mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0), xlab="Gene body percentile (5'->3')", ylab="Coverage",lwd=0.8,col=icolor[1]) # 10x icolor = colorRampPalette(c("#F8766D"))(10) # arrows(x0=seq(1,100), y0=dfA2$mean-dfA2$sd, x1=seq(1,100), y1=dfA2$mean+dfA2$sd, angle=90, length = 0.015, col='#FEB1AB', lwd=0.5) lines(seq(1,100),dfA2$mean, col=icolor[1], lwd=2) # C1 icolor = colorRampPalette(c("#00BFC4"))(10) # arrows(x0=seq(1,100), y0=dfB2$mean-dfB2$sd, x1=seq(1,100), y1=dfB2$mean+dfB2$sd, angle=90, length = 0.015, col='#02F8FE', lwd=0.5) lines(seq(1,100),dfB2$mean, col=icolor[1], lwd=2) # legend(0,0.99, col=c('#F8766D', '#00BFC4'),lty=1, legend = c('10x', 'C1'), bty='n', lwd=2) axis(side = 1, #x轴 lwd = 1, font = 1, cex = 1.5, mgp=c(1.5,0.3,0), #标签文字与坐标轴的距离 tck=-0.04) #刻度线长度 axis(side = 2, lwd = 1, font = 1, cex = 1.5,mgp=c(1.5,0.3,0),tck=-0.04) dev.off()
特点: 左右双向条形图。
# 模拟输入数据 GSVA的输出结果,包含name和t两列 rs1=data.frame( name=c('term1', 'term2', 'term3', 'term4', 'term5', 'term6', 'term7', 'term8'), t=c(-20,-10,2,5,15, 16,25,30) ) head(rs1) # 绘图函数 drawGSVA=function(data, n=10){ #n=3 #20 data_0 = rbind( data[order(data$t,decreasing = T),][1:n,], #选择t值最极端的2*n个 data[order(data$t,decreasing = F),][1:n,]) # t的最值,用于优化坐标轴,默认注释掉,不用 #a = round(min(data_0$t)); b = round(max(data_0$t)) library(ggplot2) # 画barplot p=ggplot(data_0,aes(x=reorder(name,t),y=t,fill=t))+ geom_bar(stat = "identity",colour="black",width = 0.78,position = position_dodge(0.7))+ xlab("")+ylab("t value of GSVA score") + # scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(a,b,(b-a)/6))+ coord_flip() # 翻转xy轴 # 主题修饰 p=p+theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(),panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),axis.line.x = element_line(), axis.text.x = element_text(face="bold"),axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold")) # 加上文字 p2=p+geom_text(aes(y=ifelse(t>0,-1,1),label=name), #文字的y坐标。旋转后 hjust=ifelse(data_0$t>0,1,0), #按照t值正负,水平调整文字左右对齐 fontface=4,size=3.8 )+ scale_fill_gradient2(low="#366488",high="red",mid="white",midpoint = 0,name="t")+ # ylim(-60,60) + # 设置y轴的范围 theme(legend.text = element_text(face="bold"),legend.title = element_text(face="bold"), # legend.position = c(0.9,0.3), legend.direction = "vertical") return(p2) } # 测试 drawGSVA(rs1, n=3)
目标图片: Nat Commun. 2020 Widespread transcript shortening through alternative polyadenylation in secretory cell differentiation
Fig. 4. Single-cell analysis reveals short 3ʹUTRs in SCTs.
(c) Cumulative distribution function (CDF) curves comparing 3ʹUTR APA REDs in SCTs vs. VCTs (from Vento-Tormo et al. data) for genes showing 3ʹUTR shortening in the hESC model (blue curve, 685 genes from Fig. 2c) and all 3ʹUTR APA genes (black curve, 2379 genes). P-value (K–S test) for significance of difference between the two gene sets is indicated.
该图用来比较2个分布的异质性,曲线上升最快的区域对应的x轴区域,是数据集中区域。KS test用于检验2个分布的差异是否显著。
########## # 累计密度曲线,并做K-S检验 ########## set.seed(2) control=rnorm(150,-0.5,1) treatment=rnorm(150, 0.5, 1) # hist(control, n=100) hist(treatment, n=100) # pos1=min(c(control, treatment)) pos2=max(c(control, treatment)) ## K-S test rs.test=ks.test(control, treatment) p=rs.test$p.value;p p0=formatC(p, format = "e", digits = 2) #保留2位有效数字 p0 # plot pdf("xx005.pdf", width=3.5, height=4) plot(ecdf(control), col="black", verticals = TRUE, do.points = FALSE, #画竖线,不画点 cex=0.4, xlim=c(pos1, pos2), main="Proliferation genes", xlab=expression( atop( paste("Log"["2"], "Ratio of expression"), "(Group1 vs. Group2)") ), mgp=c(3,0.6,0), ylab="Cumulative fraction") abline(v=0, col="grey", lty=2) abline(h=0.5, col="grey", lty=2) lines(ecdf(treatment), col="red", verticals = TRUE, do.points = FALSE, cex=0.4) #添加图例 legend('bottomright', box.col = NA, bg = NA, legend=c("treatment", "control"), # text in the legend col=c("red","black"), # point colors pch=15) # specify the point type to be a square #添加p值 text(-2.5,0.9, adj=0, labels = paste("p", "=", p0), col="#666666") dev.off() # Fail: 想把P设置斜体,同时显示P=1.2x10-9的形式,显示x而不是e,使用上标 #text(-2.5,0.9, adj=0, labels = expression(paste(italic("P"), " =", p0))) #text(-1.6,0.9,adj=0, labels=p0) # end
####### density plot with annotation ######################### # Part I: R base 参考 ######################### set.seed(1) draws <- rnorm(100)^2 dens <- density(draws) plot(dens) q2 <- 2 q65 <- 6.5 qn08 <- -0.8 qn02 <- -0.2 x1 <- min(which(dens$x >= q2)) x2 <- max(which(dens$x < q65)) x3 <- min(which(dens$x >= qn08)) x4 <- max(which(dens$x < qn02)) with(dens, polygon(x=c(x[c(x1,x1:x2,x2)]), y= c(0, y[x1:x2], 0), col="red")) with(dens, polygon(x=c(x[c(x3,x3:x4,x4)]), y= c(0, y[x3:x4], 0), col="grey")) # R base 模仿 d <- density(mtcars$mpg, n=2024) #n越大,后续定位越精细 plot(d, main="Density of Miles Per Gallon", type="n",ylim=c(-0.01,0.07)) # graphical parameters such as xpd, lend, ljoin and lmitre can be given as arguments. polygon(d, col="grey", border=NA) # Filled Density Plot lines(d, col="black") #make outer line clear # 涂灰色:范围 i1 <- min(which(d$x >= 30)); i2 <- max(which(d$x <= 35)) polygon(x=c( d$x[c(i1, i1:i2, i2)] ), y= c(0, d$y[i1:i2], 0), col="red", lwd=1, border = "grey") abline(v=c(30,35), lty=2, col="red") # 箭头和注释 arrows(x0 = 38, y0 = 0.03, x1 = 32, y1 = 0.02, # x0, y0,x1,y1 支持一次设置多个值,同时画多个箭头 length=0.1, # length 默认值为0.25, 为了调整不同箭头的大小 code=2, #code : 调整箭头的类型,一共有1,2(默认),3, 共3种类型 #通用的参数,col , lty ,lwd 等 lwd=1, lty=1, angle=30) #箭头张开角度 text(39,0.038, labels="This area \nis sig.") ######################### # Part II ######################### # ggplot2 参考 https://www.jianshu.com/p/c8a886ba5803 #http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/ggplot2-area-plot-quick-start-guide-r-software-and-data-visualization # ggplot 模仿 library(ggplot2) df=data.frame(x=mtcars$mpg) head(df) dat <- with(density(df$x), data.frame(x, y)) head(dat) # dat1<-dat[dat$x<(30),] #left dat2<-dat[dat$x>35,] #right ggplot()+ geom_density(data=df,aes(x=x),fill="red")+ geom_area(data=dat1,aes(x=x,y=y),fill="grey")+ geom_area(data=dat2,aes(x=x,y=y),fill="grey")+ geom_line(data=dat, mapping=aes(x,y), size=0.1, color="black")+ #smooth outer line geom_vline(xintercept = c(30,35), linetype=2, color="red")+ # vertical line geom_segment(data = NULL, aes(x=38,y=0.03, xend=32, yend=0.02), size = 0.8, arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")))+ #箭头 annotate("text", x =39, y = 0.038, label = "This area \nis sig.") + #文字注释 labs(x="Miles/(US) gallon")+ theme_bw()
第一版没有error bar,模仿 fig.3c
ct=c(33, 62, 48, 57) # dt2=data.frame( length=c("lengthen","lengthen", '', "shorten","shorten"), exp=c('up','down', '', 'up','down'), #value=c(54,84,NA,85,83) value=c(ct[1:2],NA, ct[3:4]) ) dt2 pdf("xx_barPlot.pdf", width=2.8, height=3.8) par(mgp=c(1.4,0.5,0) ) posX=barplot( rev(dt2$value), col=rev(c("red",'blue','white',"red",'blue')), ylim=c(0,70), border=NA, ylab="Gene number" ) text(x=posX, y=rev(dt2$value)+4, labels=rev(dt2$value) ) #text(x=posX-0.3, y=-6, offset = 1, # srt = 30, xpd = TRUE, cex=0.9, # labels=rev(dt2$exp) ) # arrows arrows(3.5,-5,6,-5, length = 0.08, col='black', xpd = T, code=2, lwd=2) text(x=5, y=-12, xpd = TRUE, cex=0.9, labels="Lengthen" ) # arrows(0,-5,2.5,-5, length = 0.08, col='black', xpd = T, code=1, lwd=2) text(x=1, y=-12, xpd = TRUE, cex=0.9, labels="Shorten" ) # legend(-2.5,-15,xpd = TRUE, horiz=T, #box.lwd=3, text.width=2.5, x.intersp=0.5, border=NA, cex=0.8, #title="RNA", title.adj=1, fill=c('white','blue',"red"), legend = c('RNA level','down', 'up'), bty='n' ) dev.off()
注: 今天发现pdf硬盘占用比png小很多,尝试在网页嵌入pdf图片。缺点是有黑边,不知道怎么去掉。
难点: 对x坐标重排序,对y坐标对数尺度; 组内连线;
library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) # 生成数据 ID, treatment, time和values set.seed(20211103) mydata = data.frame( ID = c(rep(1:10, 2), rep(11:20, 2)), treatment = rep(c("v", "p"), each = 20), time = rep(c("Before", "After", "Before1", "After1"), each = 10), values = c(rnorm(10, mean = 100, sd = 60), rnorm(10, mean = 155, sd = 60), rnorm(10, mean = 105, sd = 60), rnorm(10, mean = 100, sd = 60)) ) mydata$values=10^( mydata$values / ( max(mydata$values)-min(mydata$values) ) *4 ) mydata summary(mydata$values) # ID代表受试者的编号; # treatment有两个水平,v代表疫苗组,p为安慰剂组; # time分为before和after,分别指代治疗前和治疗后; # values代表血液中的抗体水平。 str(mydata) #'data.frame': 40 obs. of 4 variables: # $ ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... #$ treatment: chr "v" "v" "v" "v" ... #$ time : chr "Before" "Before" "Before" "Before" ... #$ values : num 27.781 21.426 1.857 0.712 9.931 ... #png("00test.png", width=72*3*0.8, height=72*4*0.8, res=72) #svg("00test.svg", width=3*0.8, height=4*0.8) pdf("00test.pdf", width=3*0.8, height=4*0.8, useDingbats=F) ggplot(mydata, aes(time, log10(values), fill=time))+ #scale_y_log10()+ #纵坐标取对数 geom_point(shape=21, size=3, show.legend = F)+ scale_x_discrete(limits = c("Before", "After", "Before1", "After1"), labels = c("Before", "After", "Before", "After")) + # 修改x轴刻度上的标签 scale_y_continuous( breaks = seq(-1,6,1), labels = 10^seq(-1,6,1) ) + # 修改x轴刻度上的标签 scale_fill_manual(values = c("indianred3", "steelblue", "indianred3", "steelblue")) + # 修改颜色 geom_hline(yintercept = 2, linetype = "dashed") + # 添加水平虚线 geom_line(data = filter(mydata, treatment == "v"), aes(group = ID)) + # 添加疫苗组的点对点线条 geom_line(data = filter(mydata, treatment == "p"), aes(group = ID)) + # 添加安慰剂组的点对点线条 xlab( "mRNA-xxx Placebo") + # 修改x轴的标签 ylab("Anti-RBD Antibody (U/ml)") + # 修改y轴的标签 theme_classic() dev.off()
来源: 群友提问。paper: //todo
后续整理版: 微信公众号 雷达图
模拟数据文件: $ cat dustbin/8dat.csv Desc,id,log10padj,Count IL-17,1,9.87,11 Rheumatoi,2,7.27,9 Viroal,3,7.16,9 TNF signal,4,5.54,8 Cytokine,5,5.25,11 Chemokine,6,4.98,9 Glycolysis,7,4.69,6 Legionell,8,3.786,5 Lipid and,9,3.782,8 Amoebiasi,10,3.782,6 画图: # 尝试 v3: 给一个函数版本 //todo # 两个主要变量: # 几边形? 10 # 分成几层? 4 # 最大半径? 10 # 多边形数据: 获取圆上的n个点的坐标 # rotate: 为了美观,整体逆时针旋转的弧度 getPointsOnCircle=function( radius=1, npoints=10, center=c(0,0), rotate=pi/2){ angle=seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=npoints+1) xx=center[1] + radius*cos(angle+rotate) yy=center[2] + radius*sin(angle+rotate) return(data.frame(x=xx, y=yy)) } # 画多边形 drawPolygon = function(radius, npoints=10, linetype=1, size=0.5){ geom_polygon(data= getPointsOnCircle(radius, npoints), aes(x, y), linetype=linetype, size=size, fill="#FFFFFF00", color="#AAAAAA") } # (原点到各个顶点)放射线 顶点坐标 getRadialLines = function(maxR=10, npoints=10){ arr=pi/2 + seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=npoints+1); x=c() y=c() for(i in arr){ x=c(x, c(0, maxR)*cos(i)) y=c(y, c(0, maxR)*sin(i)) } return(data.frame(x, y)) } # 读取数据 dat=read.csv("dustbin/8dat.csv"); head(dat) dat # 10个方向上的富集分析: 10边形 dat2=dat dat2$angle=pi/2+seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=11)[1:10] dat2$x=dat2$log10padj * cos(dat2$angle) dat2$y=dat2$log10padj * sin(dat2$angle) dat2 library(ggplot2) g1=ggplot()+ xlim(-12, 12) + ylim(-12, 12)+ drawPolygon(10)+drawPolygon(7.5)+drawPolygon(5)+drawPolygon(2.5)+ #雷达图 几层多边形 geom_path(data=getRadialLines(10, 10), mapping=aes(x,y), color="#AAAAAA", linetype=1)+ #雷达图放射直线 geom_polygon(data=dat2, aes(x, y), fill="#CB5656",alpha=0.5, color="#CF0015",size=1 )+ #填充不规则多边形 # geom_point(data=dat2, aes(x,y, fill=Count), size=5, shape=21, color="black", stroke=0.5)+ #添加大点 scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="#00B858", breaks=seq(5, 11, 2) )+ #点的渐变色。控制图例数字 breaks+labels # geom_text(data=data.frame(x=-0.8, y=seq(0,10,2.5) ), aes(x, y, label=y), color='black', angle=0, hjust=1, vjust=1 )+ # 仿y坐标值刻度 tick annotate(geom="text",x=0.2, y=5, label="-log[10]*italic(P)*adj", parse=T, color="black", angle=90, vjust=1 )+ #仿y轴名字 label # geom_text(data=dat2, aes(x=11*cos(angle), y=11*sin(angle), label=Desc), color="black")+# 每条边的文字 # coord_equal()+ #保证x和y轴等长 theme_void(base_size = 12)+ #去掉坐标轴、边框 theme( legend.position = "top", legend.justification = "left", #靠左对齐 legend.key = element_rect(fill = "black") #不起作用 //todo ) g1 pdf("dustbin/radar.pdf", width=4, height=4) g1 dev.off() # 输出pdf矢量图,然后可以使用 Illustrator 编辑文字:添加换行、调整文字位置、字号等。
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