生物信息与R语言QQ群: 187923577
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详情查看githug上 survminer 包官方示例。
大佬写过 好几个高层包: ggpubr, factoextra, survminer, ggcorrplot, rstatix, datarium。
# 展示的是最后一个代码的图。 # load data #### library("survival") library("survminer") data("lung") #write.table(lung, "lung.df.txt") dim(lung) #228 10 head(lung) #sex: Male=1 Female=2 # inst time status age sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno meal.cal wt.loss #1 3 306 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA #2 3 455 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 #3 3 1010 1 56 1 0 90 90 NA 15 # inst: Institution code # time: Survival time in days # status: censoring status 1=censored, 2=dead (用1/2编码是历史习惯) # age: Age in years # sex: Male=1 Female=2 # ph.ecog: ECOG performance score as rated by the physician. # 0=asymptomatic, # 1= symptomatic but completely ambulatory, # 2= in bed <50% of the day, # 3= in bed > 50% of the day but not bedbound, # 4 = bedbound # ph.karno: Karnofsky performance score (bad=0-good=100) rated by physician # pat.karno: Karnofsky performance score as rated by patient # meal.cal: Calories consumed at meals # wt.loss: Weight loss in last six months boxplot(time~status, data=lung) #只需要三列: time, status, 分类变量 # 分类变量可以是表达值、某个组合打分等和阈值的比较,结果是二分类的即可。 # 看性别是否对生存期有影响 # 构建模型 fit = survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data=lung) # 绘制原生KM曲线 plot(fit) #可优化点: #1)区分两条线的颜色和legend #2)坐标轴,标题,主题优化 #3)Risk table #4)P值,OR值,CI值等注释信息 #1) 线的颜色是啥?---- p1 = ggsurvplot(fit) p1 #2) 坐标轴,标题,主题优化 ---- p2 = ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, surv.median.line = "hv", #添加中位生存曲线 palette=c("red", "blue"), #更改线的颜色 legend.labs=c("Male","Female"), #标签 legend.title="Treatment", #图例标题 title="Overall survival", #标题 ylab="Cumulative survival (percentage)", xlab = " Time (Days)", #更改横纵坐标 censor.shape = 124, censor.size = 2, conf.int = FALSE, #删失点的形状和大小 break.x.by = 100 #横坐标间隔 ) p2 # 以上基本就完成了KM曲线颜色,线型大小,标签,横纵坐标,标题,删失点等的修改,Q2搞定! # 注意:中位生存时间表示 50% 的个体尚存活的时间,而不是生存时间的中位数! #3) Risk Table ---- p3 = ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, surv.median.line = "hv", #添加中位生存曲线 palette=c("red", "blue"), legend.labs=c("Male","Female"), #标签 legend.title="Treatment", title="Overall survival", ylab="Cumulative survival (percentage)",xlab = " Time (Days)", #更改横纵坐标 censor.shape = 124,censor.size = 2,conf.int = FALSE, break.x.by = 100, risk.table = TRUE,tables.height = 0.2, tables.theme = theme_cleantable(), ggtheme = theme_bw()) p3 # 注 tables.height可调整为看起来“舒服”的高度 # 根据risk table 可以看出关键点的当前状态,Q3摆平! #4) 添加注释信息 ---- # 添加KM的P值 P4 = ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, pval = TRUE,#添加P值 pval.coord = c(0, 0.03), #调节Pval的位置 surv.median.line = "hv", #添加中位生存曲线 palette=c("red", "blue"), legend.labs=c("Male","Female"), #标签 legend.title="Treatment", title="Overall survival", ylab="Cumulative survival (percentage)",xlab = " Time (Days)", #更改横纵坐标 censor.shape = 124,censor.size = 2,conf.int = FALSE, break.x.by = 100, risk.table = TRUE,tables.height = 0.2, tables.theme = theme_cleantable(), ggtheme = theme_bw()) P4 # pval.coord可以调节P值得位置 # 添加COX回归hazard ratio值等相关信息 ---- ###添加HR ,CI ,P res_cox = coxph(Surv(time, status) ~sex, data=lung) p5=p3 p5$plot = p3$plot + ggplot2::annotate("text",x = 90, y = 0.15, size=3, label = paste("HR :",round(summary(res_cox)$conf.int[1],2))) + ggplot2::annotate("text",x = 90, y = 0.10, size=3, label = paste("(","95%CI:",round(summary(res_cox)$conf.int[3],2), "-",round(summary(res_cox)$conf.int[4],2),")",sep = ""))+ ggplot2::annotate("text",x = 90, y = 0.05, size=3, label = paste("P:",round(summary(res_cox)$coef[5],4)))#+ #ggplot2::theme( axis.text.x = element_text(face="bold", color="blue", size=8)) p5 # 添加其他信息 # 可类似上述annotation得方式,使用ggplot2添加文字,箭头,公式等其他信息
就是 一根柱子加上一个圆,类似传统的柱状图,但是提供了更多的信息。
library(ggpubr) #微调数据,添加 name列,设置cyl位因子 dfm=mtcars dfm$name=rownames(dfm) dfm$cyl=as.factor(dfm$cyl) head(dfm) # 1.基本 ggdotchart(dfm, x = "name", y = "mpg", color = "cyl", # 按照cyl填充颜色 palette = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"), # 修改颜色 sorting ="descending", #"ascending", add = "segments", # 添加棒子 ggtheme = theme_pubr(), # 改变主题 #rotate=T, xlab="" ) # 2.横着,添加小球和数字 ggdotchart(dfm, x = "name", y = "mpg", color = "cyl", # 按照cyl填充颜色 palette = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"), # 修改颜色 sorting = "descending", add = "segments", # 添加棒子 add.params = list(color = "lightgray", size = 1.5),#改变棒子参数 rotate = TRUE, # 方向转为垂直 group = "cyl", dot.size = 6, # 改变点的大小 label = round(dfm$mpg), # 添加label font.label = list(color = "white", size = 9, vjust = 0.5), # 设置label参数 ggtheme = theme_pubr(), # 改变主题 xlab="" )
如果一个是分面的,则很难能否对齐坐标轴,但也不是不可能。参数 axis = "bt" 很关键。
# 预先准备好 Seurat(v4.0.4) 对象sce和各个类之间的差异基因top11。 > sce An object of class Seurat 13714 features across 745 samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (13714 features, 2000 variable features) 3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, umap, tsne > head(top11) # A tibble: 6 × 7 # Groups: cluster [1] p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster gene 1 3.75e-112 1.09 0.912 0.592 5.14e-108 Naive CD4 T LDHB 2 9.57e- 88 1.36 0.447 0.108 1.31e- 83 Naive CD4 T CCR7 3 1.15e- 76 0.935 0.845 0.406 1.58e- 72 Naive CD4 T CD3D # 开始画图 topN=top11 %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(5, wt=avg_log2FC) dim(topN) head(topN) # 使用 Seurat::DotPlot 画主图,并修饰主题。 g0_plot=DotPlot(sce, features=split(topN$gene, topN$cluster), cols= c("lightyellow", "red3") )+ RotatedAxis()+theme( # 各个画板 panel.border = element_rect(color="black"),#要边框 panel.spacing = unit(1, "mm"), #画板间距 axis.title = element_blank(), #去掉 坐标轴 label axis.text.y=element_blank(), #去掉y轴文字 ); g0_plot # 使用 ggplot2 画左边的文字和彩色圆圈。 colors=c("#96C3D8", "#5F9BBE", "#F5B375", "#C0937E", "#67A59B", "#A5D38F", "#4A9D47", "#F19294", "#E45D61", "#3377A9", "#BDA7CB", "#684797", "#8D75AF", "#CD9C9B", "#D62E2D", "#DA8F6F", "#F47D2F") df1=data.frame(x=0, y= levels(sce), stringsAsFactors = F ) df1$y=factor(df1$y, levels = df1$y ) # df1$y g1_left=ggplot(df1, aes(x,y, color=factor(y) ))+ geom_point(size=6, show.legend = F)+ scale_color_manual(values=colors)+ theme_classic()+ scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0))+ theme( plot.margin =margin(r=0), #no margin on the right axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_text(size=12) ); g1_left # 拼合图形 library(cowplot) # https://wilkelab.org/cowplot/articles/aligning_plots.html # we can align both the bottom and the top axis (axis = "bt"). plot_grid(g1_left, g0_plot, align ="h", axis="bt", rel_widths = c(1, 9))
This solution is based on grobs: find positions of "strip-t" (top strips) and then substitute the rect grobs with line grobs.
library(ggplot2) p1=ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, color=Species))+ geom_point(size=1.5)+ theme_classic()+ facet_grid(~Species, space = "free_x", #x轴宽度自由 scales = "free_x")+ #x坐标轴范围自由 theme( panel.border = element_rect(color="black", size=0.8, fill="#00112200"), strip.placement = "outside", #分面顶部标签和主图分离 strip.background = element_rect(linetype = 1, size=2 ), #边框线条 strip.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(0,0,0.2,0, "cm")), # 控制分面顶部框内边距 # strip.background = element_rect(), axis.line = element_blank(), #不要坐标轴的线 axis.ticks = element_blank(), #不要坐标轴的刻度 axis.title = element_blank(), #不要坐标轴label axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60, hjust = 1), #旋转60度 ); p1 # 去掉分面标签的3面的边 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54471816/remove-three-sides-of-border-around-ggplot-facet-strip-label library(grid) lg = linesGrob(x=unit(c(0,1),"npc"), y=unit(c(0,0)+0.2,"npc"), gp=gpar(col="red", lwd=3)) # grid.newpage(); grid.draw(lg) #预览效果 q = ggplotGrob(p1) #ggplot2 变 grid 对象 q$layout$name #先预览 # 替换 for (k in grep("strip-t",q$layout$name)) { q$grobs[[k]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[1]] = lg } # 画图 grid.draw(q)
library(ggplot2) head(mtcars) cols=c("darkred", "orange","darkblue") p1=ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, cyl, color=factor(gear) ))+ geom_line()+ facet_grid(~gear)+ theme_bw()+ theme( strip.background = element_blank(), #rm分面标题的背景 legend.position = "top", #图例在上面 legend.justification = "left", #图例左对齐 legend.margin=margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = -8, l = 0, unit = "pt"), #move legend litter lower legend.title = element_text( margin=margin(r=10) ), legend.text = element_text( margin = margin(r = 15)), #每个文字小盒子的外间距 legend.spacing.x = unit(0, 'mm'), #一个颜色块和对应文字的距离 legend.key.width = unit(2, "mm"), #control legend width and height legend.key.height = unit(3, "mm"), #最大空间的高度(可能用不到,但最多这么多) )+ scale_color_manual(name="Gear", values=cols)+ guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3, title="Gear")));p1 { #1. ggplot 2 grob q = ggplotGrob(p1) q$layout$name length(q$layout$name) #2. define round rect Grob library(grid) getRR=function(color="red"){ roundrectGrob(width=0.5, height=0.9, r=unit(0.3, "snpc"), gp=gpar(col=color, fill=color)) } #3. replace ggplot legend box with Grob q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]] q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[3]]=getRR(cols[1]) q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[4]]=zeroGrob() q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[5]]=getRR(cols[2]) q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[6]]=zeroGrob() q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[7]]=getRR(cols[3]) q$grobs[[20]]$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[8]]=zeroGrob() #4. draw grid.newpage() grid.draw(q) } # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46683956/create-two-legends-for-one-ggplot2-graph-and-modify-them
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